Josiah Beer
Josiah's Art
When I retired from the teaching of English, journalism, and photography, I took up watercolor painting, drawing, the design and printing of note cards, among other hobbies (beekeeping, sugaring, and floral gardening). All of that activity keeps me busy busy, busy, but not rich rich, rich, though these hobbies do all add wonderfully to the richness of life.
My right-hand-person, marketing agent, painting framer, display organizer, keep-me-on-task supervisor, not-getting-paid-but-can-do-everything factotum, in fact the friendly face of my business is Mary, my better half. We’re a team, in which I am the primary beneficiary.
I have a simple routine: in the mornings, I paint, for as long I can sit at a desk. Then, I’m out in the gardens, in the woods or off for a run, a bike ride, kayaking or golfing.
Add to that a terrific family (most of whom live close by, including the two grandkids) and I have nothing to complain about. Life has been kind and good.